Visa vĩnh trú là gì? Điều kiện và thủ tục xin Visa vĩnh trú Nhật Bản

What is a permanent residence visa? Conditions and procedures for applying for a Japanese permanent residence visa

Obtain Japanese nationality or apply for a permanent residence visa are two ways when you want Long-term residence in Japan but do not want to have to apply for a visa every time the deadline comes.

However, if naturalization you must accept give up Vietnamese nationality (because Japan only accepts one nationality), also apply for permanent residence You can still keep your current nationality. In addition, with a permanent residence visa, if you violate Japanese law, you will lose your permanent residence status and may be deported and must apply for renewal every 7 years. So what specifically is a Permanent Residence Visa? What are the conditions and procedures for applying for a permanent residence visa in Japan? Let's answer together through this article!

What is a permanent residence visa?

Permanent residence visa (永住権) is a visa issued by the Japanese government to foreign workers allowing them to have it Right to stay and live in Japan for life without restrictions on labor conditions, as well There is no need to apply for periodic renewals 1-3-5 years like other regular visas ( intern visa , student visa, engineer visa , special visa ...). All rights enjoyed as a Japanese citizen , it is mandatory to fully comply with the provisions of the Japanese civil code (except for cannot participate in elections and Visa may be revoked and deported if violating Japanese law).

Benefits of applying for a permanent residence visa?

  • You do not have to regularly apply for visa extension according to regulations
  • Still keep your original nationality
  • There is no restriction on work profession
  • There is no limit to the time you live in Japan
  • Have more credibility and priority in certain activities (bank loans, buying real estate, opening a company, store...)

That is why, in recent years, the number of applications submitted apply for permanent residence at Immigration Departments across Japan increased very high (about more than 30,000 applications waiting to be processed across Japan - data as of January 2018). However, because the new approval standards of the Immigration Department are increasingly strict, permanent residence pass rate In recent years, it has decreased quite sharply (from about more than 70% in 2016 to more than 40% in the first 2 months of 2018)*. Therefore, Before applying, we must research carefully and prepare fully Required documents to increase your chances of success.

Subjects applying for a permanent residence visa

Permanent residence visa granted for foreigners living in Japan according to the 2 criteria below:

  • For those who have intended and qualified Live all your life in Japan
  • For those high-skilled labor such as Experts, Engineers, Lecturers... a form of encouragement for them to come to Japan to work and stay long term.

Permanent residence visa Have benefits such as Japanese citizenship So compared to other types of visas, then Permanent residence visas are considered very strictly . Because those who are granted permanent residence visas will then have no restrictions on the length of stay or activities allowed to do in Japan, for the Immigration Department, this is their last chance. can be checked and reviewed before entry.

Conditions and Procedures for Permanent Residence Visa

1. General requirements:

  • Conditions of “ honest behavior ” (素行善良要件): Not subject to fines or imprisonment for violating Japanese law, not subject to supervision or protection, not frequently repeating violations of the law law or ethics
  • Conditions for “ economic independence ” (独立生計要件): Having enough capacity to ensure a living. Having a job, income, and existing assets can ensure a stable life in Japan in the future.
  • Conditions of “ national interest ” (国益要件): The person's stay in Japan is in accordance with the interests of Japan. Live continuously in Japan for 10 years or more, have a work visa for at least 5 years or more. Fulfill your tax, nenkin, and insurance obligations without delay and without depending on social benefits. There is no risk of public harm or infectious disease.

3. Special conditions: In some special cases specified below, the necessary stay period is shortened.

  • Spouse of a Japanese person or Permanent Resident visa holders (日本人の配偶者) Married for more than 3 years and continuously residing in Japan for more than 1 year
  • Son of the Japanese (日本人の子) or permanent resident visa holders (永住者の子) Staying continuously in Japan for 1 year or more
  • Got it residence visa (定住者) and after obtaining a permanent residence visa, have stayed in Japan continuously for 5 years or more.
  • Refugees Acceptable: Continuous residence period in Japan over 5 years
  • High quality human resources have a total score according to the table 高度専門職ポイント score 70 points or more :Stay for 3 consecutive years counted back from the time of registration and have reached 70 points or more
  • High quality human resources have a total score according to the table 高度専門職ポイント score 80 points or more: 1 consecutive year counting back from the time of registration and achieving 80 points or more
Spouse of Japanese national or permanent resident visa holder (日本人の配偶者)
Spouse of Japanese national or permanent resident visa holder (日本人の配偶者)

3. Documents to apply for a permanent residence visa

  • Application for permanent residence
  • Guarantee letter
  • 3×4 card photo
  • Documents proving income and tax payment for the most recent year
  • Documents proving your sponsor's income
  • Passport or certificate of residence status
  • In case you ask someone else to submit the application on your behalf, the following additional documents are required:
  • Arc
  • Legal identification card issued by an agency, organization or government

4. Place of receiving documents: Nearest Immigration Department.

5. Waiting time for results: Usually from 6 to 1 year.

6. Fees: 8000 yen (If the application is not successful, you will not need to pay this fee)








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