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What should I do if I lose my passport in Japan?

I had a "horrifying" experience in Japan last year - I discovered my passport had no wings and flew away right when my Japanese visa had two weeks left to expire.

That means I won't be allowed to reside in Japan anymore if I don't quickly find or renew my passport.

I consulted a lot from relatives, friends in Japan, the school office and people who had the same experience of losing their passports as me before to gain experience in completing documents and paperwork to renew the passport. screened right in Japan. The same reference you offline!

1. Report the loss of your passport to the police in Japan

The first thing we need to do when we fall into this difficult situation is to report the loss of our passport to the police in Japan. When reporting to the police, you will receive a confirmation of the loss of your passport. At the same time, the police will cancel your current passport to prevent bad guys from using it to commit crimes.

However, this also means that if you find your passport, it is no longer valid.

shoes to identify people's faces
Confirmation of lost passport from Japanese police

2. Contact the Embassy

I contacted the Vietnamese Embassy in Fukuoka at the address on https://www.vnembassy-jp.org/ . You can contact your country's Embassy in the area near where you live to declare and renew your passport.

Vietnam's official government in Vietnam

Screenshot of the homepage of the Vietnamese embassy in Japan

After receiving support from colleagues working at the Embassy, ​​I decided to choose to work online for convenient travel (you can also come and work directly at the Embassy if traveling is convenient and has time).

Below are the documents you need to have your passport re-issued:

High-top shoes for the afternoon
And don't forget that you will have to pay a fee to renew your passport!

3. Ask for confirmation that your passport is being renewed

In case your residence card is about to expire and you need to renew your visa, you need to request a confirmation that you are renewing your passport at the Embassy and write the reason why you cannot present your passport and submit it with your application. visa extension at the Immigration Department.

Renewing a passport is not simple, it takes a lot of time and the cost is not as cheap as when you get a passport in your own country.

It took me nearly a month and 27,000 yen to get my passport renewed. However, I received very enthusiastic support from friends, school, Japanese police and the Vietnamese Embassy, ​​so the passport renewal process went quite smoothly.

This is also a lesson for us to know how to preserve personal belongings, especially important identification documents such as passports when abroad. Hopefully the above sharing can help you partly overcome the difficulties in life in Japan!








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