Làm gì khi bị mất thẻ ngoại kiều ở Nhật? Cách làm lại như thế nào?

What to do if you lose your alien card in Japan? How to do it again?

An alien card is an identification document to verify your identity, so if it unfortunately falls into the wrong hands, they will use your personal information to commit illegal acts. Or if suddenly your documents are searched by the Police, you will lose time or get into trouble because you cannot explain.

Therefore, as soon as you discover that your alien card is lost, immediately go to the police station near your home to notify and receive a certificate. Depending on the reason and circumstances of loss, the certificate will change, so please refer to the 3 main cases below.

  • Drop your card yourself: Declare 遺失 and apply for遺失届出証明書(いしつとどけでしょうめいしょ).
  • Taken by someone else : Declare 盗難 and apply for a license 盗難届出証明書(とうなんとどけでしょうめいしょ).
  • Lost due to natural disaster or accident : Declare 罹災 and apply for a document罹災証明書(りさいしょうめいしょ).

If you're lucky, you meet a good person and they pick up and hand over your card to a police station, then the police will call and confirm with you. On the contrary, if after a few days you have not received contact from the police, you need to go to the department Immigration (入国管理) to carry out procedures to re-issue a new alien card.


The deadline to apply for a foreigner card is: 14 days from the date of death , so please arrange time to avoid forgetting.

Documents that need to be prepared when renewing an alien card

Below are 4 types of documents needed to replace an alien card when lost.

  • 在留カード再交付申請書(Application to reissue alien card).
  • 遺失届出証明書 or 盗難届出証明書,罹災証明書(Confirmation of lost items issued by the police).
  • パスポート(Passport) or card My number .
  • 写真( Card photo 3x4 (taken within 3 months)).

How to write an application to reissue an alien card 在留カード再交付申請書

  1. 国籍・地域(Nationality):ベトナム
  2. 生年月日:Date of birth
  3. 氏名:Full name in Romaji with capital letters without accents.
  4. 性別(Gender):男(Male),女(Female)
  5. 住居地(Residence):Current address in Japan
  6. 在留カード番号:Alien card number
  7. 資格外活動許可の有無:Permit to work overtime.有(yes),無(no)
  8. 在留カーの所持を失った理由およびその事実を知った日:Reason for losing alien card and date of discovery of loss.
  9. 大理人:Representative (if the deceased cannot come to the immigration department, they must ask a representative)

取次者 : If you cannot receive contact, please write down information of relatives, school, company...

Finally, write down the applicant's name, application date and contact number, then paste the card photo on it and you're done.

Cost of renewing a foreigner's card in Japan

Unlike visa extension or renewal, The fee for reissuing an alien card is 0¥. If you ask someone to do the procedure and they say there is a fee, be wary.












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