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Why are vending machines so popular in Japan?

Vending machines appear in most countries around the world, but perhaps there is no place where vending machines are as popular as in Japan. It can be said that Japan is the country of vending machines. automatic goods.

So what makes the difference between Japan and the rest of the world in the field of vending machines? Let's find out why vending machines are so popular in Japan through Today's article.

Japan is a country with very good security

Those are a few examples for you to understand how good the security is in Japan. Now let's return to the story of the vending machine.

As you know, a vending machine is a vending machine that has no direct supervision and is often placed in public places such as train stations, parks and on the streets. In addition, it is also placed in most places. companies and schools. After a period of time, a staff member will come to collect money from the machine and add items to the machine.

If the security situation is not good, the vending machine will become the target of many bad people's attacks. The goods as well as the money in the machine will be stolen and cause damage to the host company.

But in Japan, it is extremely rare for vending machines to be damaged or for money or goods to be stolen. Vending machines have always been with the Japanese people from birth to old age. and it has become a part of the culture of the people of the land of funerals.

Can easily buy goods 24/7

One of the best ways to save time is to buy products from vending machines. Instead of having to go to the convenience store to choose a drink and go to the counter to pay, now you just go to the nearest vending machine, put money in and enjoy your drink.

That's why vending machines are everywhere, not only in public places such as roads, stations, and parks, but also in companies and schools. If you travel or you live in the countryside where supermarkets and convenience stores are not as many as in the city, you will see how convenient vending machines are.

In addition, vending machines will work 24/24 and 365 days/year, regardless of weather and terrain, so you can buy the item you like whenever you want.

Complete management system

The vending machine system in Japan has developed over decades and currently there are many companies involved in operating this system. Thanks to such companies, vending machines are always in good working condition and continue to increase over time.

The work of operating these vending machines has been specialized into clear steps to create convenience for both users and management staff. At regular intervals, company staff will come to check the condition of the machine and add new items to the machine.

In addition, next to each vending machine there will usually be more recycling bins so that customers can immediately dispose of waste after using the products in the vending machine. This will ensure the space around vending machines is always clean.

Simple and diverse usage

Cool drinks and warm drinks will sometimes be sold together in a vending machine. The cool type will have a blue button and the warm type will have a red button.

There are three ways you can pay for products in vending machines: using coins, paper money or electronic cards. If you don't want to keep too much coin you can use it at vending machines. If you want to get change, vending machines are a good choice by paying with 1000 Japanese yen notes.

If you don't have enough cash or coins you can pay using the amount in a popular electronic card.

Rich products

In addition to drinking water, there are other popular items: candy, boxed noodles, ice cream and cigarettes. In the countryside, there are also some special vending machines such as automatic egg vending machines and vending machines for vegetables. Anything that the customer needs can be put into the vending machine.


Above are 5 reasons why vending machines are popular and have become a unique culture in Japan according to my personal opinion. Through the article, I hope you will understand more about vending machine culture. vending machines as well as Japanese people's habits when using vending machines.

If you have the opportunity to come to Japan, don't forget to stop by and buy goods at vending machines.

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